Previously: MSIS
The history of the Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society started in 2012.
A community of practice on mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) emerged 2012 under the auspices of the European network COST Action BM1104 which aimed at connecting scientist working in the rapidly growing field of MSI. The European nature of the COST funding has meant these early activities (conferences, workshops, training courses) had an European focus but they were open to worldwide participation. Consequently, the community had over 200 active members from all continents.
It was decided in October 2015 to formally establish a Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society to continue the activities of the COST network and to include other activities and all practitioners in the field of MS imaging. The possibility to join an existing society, e.g. to form a focus group within the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation (IMSF) was evaluated and discussed during 2016. As a result of extensive discussions during OurCon IV (Ustron, Poland, October 2016) it was almost unanimously decided to form the Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society, with the legal entity being in Switzerland. As a result, the society was founded on February 10, 2017 in Basel, Switzerland.
With the creation of the International Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society (IMSIS) in December 2023, MSIS became a full member of IMSIS as Region Europe.
Region Europe- Executive Committee
The executive committee oversees the activities of the Region Europe, and help in promoting workshop, initiative, educational event and with the organisation of the Internationl IMSIS conference when help in Europe.

Martina Marchetti-Deschmann
TU Wien, Austria
Martina has been working in the field of Instrumental Bioanalytical Chemistry for more than 20 years with a special focus on mass spectrometry, separation sciences, biomolecule identification and detailed characterization. She is a well-known expert in proteomics, glycomics focussing on method development, future directing applications of mass spectrometry and instrument improvements. Since 2009 she has established MALDI mass spectrometric imaging in Austria and is an internationally recognized expert in the field building her capacities through European based networks and national collaborations in the fields of Life Sciences and Material Sciences. Current research is focused on 1) applying MALDI and DESI as soft ionization techniques for surface analysis in the field of MSI; 2) developing sample preparation strategies to gather omics information from sample surfaces and combine this strategy with classical LC-MS approaches; and 3) combining the emerging field of MS imaging with methodologies traditionally used in other fields, i.e. MRI, CT, PET, IR, Raman (medicine) or XRF, and AFM (material sciences), building a strong basis for new developments in multimodal imaging.

Malcolm Clench
Malcolm is Head of Research for the Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre, Dept. of Biosciences and Chemistry, Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom. He is the leader of the Mass Spectrometry and MALDI Special Interest Group of the British Mass Spectrometry Society, Vice President of the Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society and Associate Editor of the Journals Proteomics and Nature Scientific Reports. Malcolm is the author of 136 peer reviewed papers to date including 75 on mass spectrometry imaging. He has supervised 34 PhD students to completion. Malcolm’s current major research interests are in the application of mass spectrometry imaging techniques to the understanding of response mechanisms to xenobiotic exposure in tissues and 3D tissue models and the development of quantitative imaging techniques.

Gérard Hopfgartner
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Gérard is full Professor for Analytical Sciences and Mass Spectrometry in the Department of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Geneva. His research interests focus around the development and application of novel mass spectrometry approaches with and without chromatography in the field of life sciences. His scientific interests include: hyphenation of separation sciences with MS, automation, bioanalysis, metabolism, metabolomics, analytical proteomics, ionization techniques, MS/MS fragmentation, ion mobility mass spectrometry and mass spectrometry imaging. He acts as an editor for Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry and he is member of the scientific committee of the HPLC Conference Series.
Link to previous resources
Access the previous resources that were gathered and generated within the COST Action BM1104 and by MSIS.